TIMBERLAND employees may use some of their 40 hours of paid community service time to tend the flowers and vegetables. 天伯伦员工可以抽出40小时带薪社区服务时间中的一部分用于照料花朵与蔬菜。
The primary purpose of a cache is to reduce service time and increase throughput by reusing the results of a previous computation. cache的主要用途是重用前一次处理得出的结果以减少服务时间和增加吞吐量。
ARFM continues to profile the gold traffic and increase the expected service time due to the higher actual service times it is now seeing. ARFM分析gold请求流,由于它现在看到的实际服务时间增加了,它会提高预期服务时间。
When profiling traffic, ARFM assumes that the service times recorded when the backend server is not overloaded represent the best expected service time the application can manage. 在分析请求流时,ARFM假设在后端服务器未过载时记录的服务时间代表最佳预期服务时间。
If files can be served from memory cache, then that decreases the average service time, and hence increases the number of connections per second the server can handle. 如果可以从内存缓存中获取文件,就可以降低平均服务时间,因此增加服务器每秒能够处理的连接数。
Service Time – The amount of time required to process a request on an application server. 服务时间(ServiceTime)–在应用服务器上处理请求所需的时间。
Avserv: This command reports the average service time per request ( milliseconds). avserv:这个命令可以报告每个请求的平均服务时间(单位为毫秒)。
The service time for this request is now the sum of the components. 因此,这个请求的服务时间是几个部分的总和。
Using profiling, you can estimate the ratio of waiting time ( WT) to service time ( ST) for a typical request. 通过使用概要分析,您可以估计某个典型请求的等待时间(WT)与服务时间(ST)之间的比例。
I can remember when the first person came out in the House of Representatives within the service time of my service in the Senate. 我还记得在我任职在我任职参议院期间,众议院第一位同性恋议员公开自己的身份的时候。
To continue peak service time you have to add labor. 这样一来,在服务高峰时段就得增加人手。
The annual probability of failure for new slopes is deduced; and an approach is presented to predict the annual probability of failure for existing slopes within next service time. 推导了新建边坡在未来服役时间内的年失效概率的计算公式,并对现役边坡在未来服役时间内的年失效概率进行了预测。
Moreover, in order to shorten the service time to our clients, we have established a centralized order center to integrate ordering windows from each business division and further improve customer satisfaction. 另外,为缩短服务客户的流程成立集中订货中心,整合各事业部订货窗口,提高客户满意度。
The relation of acetylene content in the header outlet pipe of convertor with the service time of catalyst in the production of PVC by calcium carbide method was introduced. 介绍了电石法PVC树脂生产中转化器出口总管处的乙炔含量与触媒使用时间的关系。
The products need to re-repair inspection or special treatment of retirement after service time. 产品过了使用期限,需要重新维修检查,或报废处理。
There is a quite relationship between the busy period of service time and the number of shipping port. 港口码头服务时间的长短即忙期与码头数目的多寡有很大联系。
Service time: Service time from acceptance of goods from the date of passing. 服务时间:服务时间自货物验收合格之日起计算。
Service time signature-based anomaly detection method for multi-tier Web applications 基于服务时间标记的多层Web应用性能异常侦测方法
Finally, the relationship among the arrival process, service time and failure rate of server are illuminated by several numerical examples. 最后我们通过一些数值例子说明在这类系统中顾客的到达过程、服务时间和服务台的故障率之间的关系。
Weighted Fair Queuing Schedule Algorithm Based on Service Time 基于服务时间的加权公平队列调度算法
Establishing mobile clinics and extending service time are measures to improve treatment accessibility; 设立流动门诊,增加服务时间以提高治疗可及性;
Because the pour material cracked and cracked off after a certain service time, the ready-made high-strength brick was used to replace the entity pour material. 使用一段时间后出现了浇注料开裂和脱落,后改用高强预制砖挂靠在密封板上,有效地解决了因浇注料开裂、脱落影响球团生产的诸多问题。
The design service time limit of the structure is fifty years. 结构的设计使用年限为五十年。
Considering traffic volume, average service time and service level can determine the number of the toll lanes. 结合交通量、平均服务时间、平均服务水平可合理确定收费车道数。
The service time and the best time for maintenance of bridge steel box girder coating were put forward in this paper. 阐述了大桥钢箱梁涂层的使用寿命以及维修保养的最佳时期。
The length of service time, number of cycles, and the temperature extremes experienced must all be carefully considered when choosing a material. 选择材料时,必须认真考虑服务时间的长度、循环数和承受的温度极限。
Low noise, little material residue, long service time; 具有噪音低,物料残留率低,使用寿命长等优点;
As far as I know, the bank has extended its service time to 10 o'clock in the evening. 据我所知,银行已经将营业时间延长至晚上10点钟了。
Reverse Logistics Network Model of Product Returns Under Service Time 满足服务时间条件下产品回收逆向物流网络模型
The Research on Business Model of "One Home" in Full Service Time 全业务时代我的e家业务发展模式研究